AO Scan Technology

The AO Scan Technology program is an insightful educational tool that can help you learn about how your body is performing. It communicates with the body using subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals to identify the areas that may be out of balance. By identifying those areas that may need assistance, you can then make the proper lifestyle changes to optimize your health and reach a state of harmony and balance. See Solex for more information about AO Scanning.

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy has various transformative benefits: enhanced skin rejuvenation, improved muscle recovery, reduced fine lines and wrinkles, increased elastin and collagen production, and a boost in overall mood and energy. Check out the specifications of red light therapy at HigherDose. Red light therapy uses low-level red or near-infrared light to stimulate various physiological processes in the body: Cellular energy production, activation of mitochondria, improved cellular function, enhanced circulation, reduction of oxidative stress, anti-inflammatory effects, tissue repair and regeneration, and hormonal balance.


The Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy mat offers a range of potential benefits by exposing the body to electromagnetic fields. Some key advantages associated with using PEMF mats include an improved cellular function, enhanced circulation, accelerated recovery, pain management, stress reduction, improved sleep quality, immune system support, bone health, enhanced mood and mental clarity, and a non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical approach.